Kristina Kaldon

Senior Program Manager Learning Alliances - UiPath

Kristina Kaldon works as an RPA (Robotic Process Automation) developer for UiPath. Kaldon graduated from The Pennsylvania State University in May 2015 with two degrees in Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics. While at Penn State, Kaldon researched with Dr. Kevin Luhman, working on infrared astronomy, specifically finding brown dwarf companions to known stars. I was a teaching assistant for the physics department. Also, Kaldon interned at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico researching fast radio bursts.

After graduation, Kaldon worked as an analyst and engineer for MIT Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, MA in their Information Integration and Decision Support group. Kaldon took graduate classes at MIT through the advanced study program in the AeroAstro department and Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences department. After two years, Kaldon changed industries and worked at Abarca Health in San Juan, PR as a software engineer. Kaldon is also very passionate about STEAM education and currently create science demos for educators.

kristina kaldon headshot

distance learning robotic process automation winning equation

Industry Solutions

July 27, 2020

Schools Won't Look the Same This Fall with RPA

Explore how professors around the globe are reimagining how to teach the next generation, and how their campuses can run more effectively with RPA.

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