

June 24, 2015

Selecting the Best Robotic Process Automation Software Company

We discuss the ways to select the best robotic process automation software company, here focusing on tactical and strategic technology leadership.

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June 22, 2015

5 Tips for Choosing the Best RPA Software Product

Five tips for picking the best RPA software, including an effective user and developer experience, scalability, analytics, training, and references.

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June 17, 2015

Failure! 5 Pitfalls Waiting for a Robotic Process Automation Rollout

5 ways a robotic process automation deployment can fail, including immature strategy, governance, optimistic effort estimates, new roles, and overconfidence.

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June 15, 2015

BPO has a New Partner – Robotic Process Automation

BPO and robotic process automation can partner to deliver high outsourcing value. We discuss the terms InSourcing and NoSourcing and their capabilities.

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June 10, 2015

Does Robotic Process Automation Really Deliver Analytic Value?

In addition to the benefits of process automation, robotic process automation supports business analytics with data federation capabilities.

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June 8, 2015

Disney, H-1B Visa Hearings - and Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation addresses H-1B visa issues seen at Disney. We discuss how RPA facilitates partnering between the IT dept. and business group.

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June 1, 2015

RPA "Best of May" Blog: Our Readers Pick the Winners

UiPath blog readers pick the most popular robotic process automation blog posts for the month of May in 2015.

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May 27, 2015

Robotic Process Automation is NOT Autonomics (and that’s fine)

Robotic process automation is not the same as autonomics. Read about the reasons behind this statement here.


Industry Solutions

May 25, 2015

Financial & Accounting Robotic Process Automation - Big News or Old News?

Financial and accounting automation is very big news. Finance & accounting is an attractive target for RPA utilization for many reasons.

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Industry Solutions

May 20, 2015

Robotic Process Automation: Elevates Call Center Performance

RPA delivers benefits to call centers. The advantages can be seen throughout the intitial customer contact as well as during ongoing engagement and follow-up.

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Industry Solutions

May 18, 2015

Robotic Process Automation Delivers Insurance Industry Innovation

We discuss how robotic process automation drives insurance industry automation by using a scenario and providing a list of industry-wide benefits.



May 13, 2015

BPO & Robotic Process Automation: Implementation Risks

BPO automation has great opportunities but four challenges: contracts and timeframes, technology, work roles and locations, and governance.

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Product and Updates

May 9, 2015

UiPath Workflow Designer: Seeing is Believing

UiPath workflow designer delivers a terrific user experience through its visual nature. Find out more by watching the video!

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